Developing and Inspiring Impact Change

Delivering enterprise and job-based training programs to the unemployed to acquire job or set-up micro enterprise

The PlusPoint Story
Who We Are 

PLUSPOINT is a charitable organisation aim  to provide basic training skills and experience through which lives are changed. We equip the unemployed and less privileged locally and  nationally by offering vocational training programs to forge a career in business, clerical and administration, bookkeeping, payroll and related sectors to acquire jobs and or set-up micro enterprises.

About Us

PlusPoint is an independent UK charity established  in 2010 to support the clerical, administration, bookkeeping  and payroll sectors and those seeking employment within it. Our work is reaffirmed in our mission and vision statement
  • To advance the life and education of those under the age of 25, through the provision of advice, training and skills courses.
  • To relieve poverty and unemployment by assisting people to secure jobs in the admin and clerical sector.
  • Tackle ongoing problems the business studies and commerce  (administration and clerical), bookkeeping and payroll sectors face, including staff and skills shortages and misrepresentation about what a fulfilling career they offer.
Our vision is "to be a supportive and inclusive Enterprise community, characterised by quality in training, employability, skill development, and novelty, working in partnership with others for the advancement of knowledge, in support of the global common good".

What We Do

Working nationally across London, the Southeast and the UK, our work is built around three key areas:

  • Employability training programmes – helping disadvantaged people gain soft and hard skills, industry insight, and work placement opportunities- leading to overall improved wellbeing, enhanced employability, and transition to positive destinations including employment/further education/an apprenticeship/etc.
  • Education programmes – working with vocational academies, colleges and institutions to enhance vocational job-based training delivered to trainees – helping them gain key industry insight and skills development required for the transition from education to employment
  • Careers resources and advice – providing specialist careers activities online, face-to-face and at careers events.

Support Our Work

PlusPoint’s work is only achievable with your generous support. There are many ways that you can help, from making a donation or fundraising for us to giving up some of your time to be a PlusPoint Ambassador. Organisations can also support by becoming a business partner, a corporate patron or sponsoring our various activities and events throughout the year. 

  If you would like to make a one-off or regular financial contribution to the work of PlusPoint, please use the below form to do so. We appreciate all the support we get from donations and they really make a huge difference to what we do.

Focus sessions

Our focus sessions offer a more in-depth focus programs and topics; our expert speakers will shine a light on a particular subject to give attendees a deeper insight into it and will offer the opportunity to ask the speaker questions. 

Motivational training

Focus on entrepreneurship and employability skills. Inspirational & Motivational Training Programs -  "From the poorest countries to richest nationals training is the key to move forward any society" Nelson Mandela .


Our workshops are one- or two-day training sessions, which offer full engagement between trainer and attendees. Numbers are limited to allow plenty of opportunity to participate within the group and to ask questions so that you can get the most out of the detailed session(s).

Bank Details

Bank: National Westminster Bank Plc    Account Name: PLUSPOINT     Account Number: 78275601    Sort Code: 51-70-14

International:    IBAN: GB13NWBK51701478275601    BIC: NWBKGB2L


PlusPoint UK Charity Suite

Office 197 Simms Rod

London SE1 5LP

United Kingdom

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